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  5. The Example Of Successful Emotional Branding Strategy By 3 Most Popular Brands

The Example Of Successful Emotional Branding Strategy By 3 Most Popular Brands

9. emotional branding

One of the reasons why a business brand can attract more buyers than others is because the brand applies an emotional branding strategy. The critical thing you must know is that you can give an emotion even on your logo, graphic design, icon, and many more. The most important thing is that you must give the right emotion that represents your business vision and mission. Here are some examples of applying emotion to your business. 

#LikeAGirl Campaign, Always Emotional Branding Strategy  

Some of you, especially women are known #LikeAGirl campaign. Yes! This campaign is developed by a company known as Always. Always focuses on offering feminine products and menstrual information. 

The company uses this simple Hashtag to boost the emotion of its target market. It seems Always wants to support its customers to be happy, independent, and strong women through this campaign. Indeed, this branding is also in line with the products the company offers to its customers. 

Red Hue Emotional Branding Strategy by Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola has been serving its customers for over a hundred years! The thing that you may not know is that this company also uses an emotional branding strategy to attract a lot of customers. The simple branding strategy Coca-Cola uses is by applying a red hue to its logo. 

Indeed, there is a reason why Coca-Cola chose red as the main hue on its logo. According to color psychology theory, red represents power and confidence. It can be a reason why you feel confident after drinking a bottle of Coca-Cola. 

Helvetica Font Emotional Branding Strategy by Harley Davidson 

Try to analyze Harley Davidson’s logo and find out the logo font this company uses. This company is choosing the Helvetica font style for its logo. Interestingly, the way you choose a font for your logo also determines the emotion you want to deliver to your target market. 

For example, Harley Davidson chose the Helvetica font style because it represents trustworthiness and sturdiness. That’s why people seem to believe in Harley Davidson if they need a big and unique motorcycle. Plus, buyers always believe that Harley Davidson’s products are sturdy, durable, and last longer.  

Now, you finally understand the importance of and the application of emotional branding strategy. Indeed, there is always a reason why companies choose a specific design, font, color, and icon. Visit Twinletter.com if you want to practice this branding strategy through font and graphic design. There are so many fonts and graphic designs you can use to boost the emotions of your customers. 

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