Business people, especially those in digital marketing, must understand and realize the importance of typography in branding. The combination of techniques and art in choosing and arranging a series of letters to make them look beautiful can become an effective communication tool.
In the business world, typography is closely related to graphic design and branding in digital marketing. By paying attention to typography issues, branding actions can help achieve goals.
So, to understand more, the following article will explain the importance of typography in branding, including the role it plays.
Typography combines technique and art in arranging letters to look aesthetic but can still be read clearly. Although typography is generally synonymous with logo and brand design, its scope is much broader.
Brand typography is essential in making information that can influence decisions made by consumers or potential consumers. This means that typography becomes a visual communication tool for the target market in the digital world.
What is the importance of typography in branding? There are several benefits of typography for branding, including the following:
Mastering typography is essential, especially in advertising, because it can become a brand’s visual identity. Later, this visual identity will serve as an expression of the character and value of a brand’s product. The font used in typography represents a character expected to emotionally impact all who read it.
For example, a product brand that wants to depict luxury can use Serif fonts. Brands that want a relaxed theme can use Sans-serif fonts emphasizing a simple and friendly impression.
Each type of font chosen in typography can present a certain atmosphere or emotion that you want to evoke.
For example, a rounded typeface will present a pleasant and friendly impression. Meanwhile, fonts that tend to be geometric and sharp will present a modern and professional appearance.
That’s why typography selection should not be arbitrary. With the appropriate typography, a product brand can build a particular emotional bond with consumers or potential consumers.
Consistently using multiple sets of fonts across various channels at once will help build stronger brand branding. For example, username typography can be used on social media, websites, presentations, digital marketing, without ads, etc.
The consistency will make the target audience automatically link the typography style to a brand. To achieve this, typography must have a common thread with the colors and logos of a product brand.
Of course, the consistency of unique and attractive typography in all digital contact centers will make the market able to distinguish it from competing brands.
The importance of typography in branding is also concerned with Readability. Good typography tries to make the brand’s message easily readable and easily read by the target audience. For this reason, typography in various marketing materials must be considered carefully.
Font selection with various types of design layouts must really consider the distance or space so that the message is readable and visual appeal increases.
Given the importance of typography in branding and graphic design, it must be able to adapt to fit the times. By following the times, consumer loyalty to a brand will be maintained.
Loyal consumers of a brand or product will still be able to find various information about the brand of a particular product. Meanwhile, potential new consumers unfamiliar with the brand will also be able to obtain information through different channels and means.
For example, consumers in the past will be able to find various product information in multiple types of conventional print media. Now, with the times, a brand must maintain its branding through typography in various appropriate media.
For example, it adapts to various modern channels and devices, such as typography branding on social media, websites, online videos, and so on. By making adaptations like this, a brand’s consistency will be maintained, and new consumers may even be reached.
In the end, typography is not just an art. It is a means of facilitating visual communication with other parties, in this case, consumers and potential consumers.
That is why it becomes necessary to understand the importance of typography in branding. By understanding this, the producer will pay more attention to using typography in accordance with its important elements.
Given the importance of typography in branding above, you need fonts from Twinletter. All fonts are available, ranging from serif to San-serif, graffiti, display, and handwriting. Twinletter is guaranteed to fulfill all your branding needs.