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  5. How to Choose Corporate/Branding Fonts Properly

How to Choose Corporate/Branding Fonts Properly

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A logo is a significant element in a business. Creating it requires deep thought so that it can represent the whole business idea and the unique identity of a company. Not only that, but some other considerations are also should be taken into, such as the target audience and the competition in the industry. 

Choosing the perfect corporate/branding fonts is just one step in creating the whole identity of a company. It may hold the power to communicate your brand’s identity and values to the customers. 

Several Ways to Find The Best Corporate/Branding Fonts for Your Business

To choose the best fonts for your brand’s identity, you can do the following steps.

1. Checking Out the Successful Brands

Look at the successful brands that relate to the business you are into, and try to analyze them. While you should not copy those, you may get inspired by their designs instead. Understanding how they are created in such ways that they include the typography concepts correctly, may help you find your style for your brand.  And therefore, you can decide which fonts best fit for your business. 

2. Imposing Your Brand Personality

Brand personality is the main key to the business identity. You should keep that in mind when making a brand logo for your business. Selecting the right fonts is an important move for this so that the fonts that you choose will be able to be the best representative of the brand that you bring to the people. Make sure that the fonts you choose make the right path for people to be able to read the message you want to spread out.

Some fonts have their own characteristics that you should understand. For example,  serif font will carry the trust and expertise in it. So, it fits best for the finance and law industry.

3. Paying Attention to The Target Audience

Audience is the most important part of the business, and therefore you should do careful research about them. Acknowledge to whom you are going to spread out your message about your products or brands. If it is possible, also check how they perceive the different choices of fonts. By doing it, it will be easier for you to decide which one is the best corporate/branding font you would like to apply for your brand logo. These choices will bring your brand close to them and they will feel a sense of familiarity as well as a bonding between them and the brand you promote.

4. Making Sure Its Visibility

Visibility and legibility are on top of everything in creating a logo design. No matter how beautiful or how sophisticated your design is, if it’s not visible, then your work is a flop. The most important principle is that your logo should be clear and easy to read so that people will get it easily even in a smaller size. Therefore, you should choose rigid and clear fonts to promote your corporation so that people know immediately that it is your brand.   

And since your logo may appear not only in big sizes, for example in business cards, make sure that the fonts you choose will still have firm visibility on it. Again, choosing the clear and firm fonts is the best thing here. 

5. Checking Out The International Taste

If your plan for your business is going international, you should also check whether your font choices can represent the international characters or not. Since you will have broader audiences, make sure that these international audiences understand the message that you want to deliver through your brand. And that’s why you need to keep your fonts up with the international taste itself.

6. Going with The Timeless Options

As time goes by, you will find more options for fonts. Some of them are, of course, viral at their time. But they’re also gone and forgotten in no time. Well, you should consider avoiding it. You’d better choose the fonts that remain relevant through time. This type of font will be impactful for years to come so you should not do the rebranding all the time.    

7. Checking the License 

When you use purchased custom fonts, don’t forget to check their licensing rights. Make sure that they have a proper and legal license for commercial purposes. It’s important since you may get a legal issue coming up later when you don’t do the legal agreement properly. 

Choosing the right corporate/branding fonts may not be an easy task, but when you choose the right professional, then it won’t be a problem at all. Just call us at twinletter.com and get the best choice of fonts that you like.  

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