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How to Use Fonts Awesome, 5 Straightforward Steps

February 19, 2025
How to use fonts awesome

How to use fonts awesome while utilizing the features within them? Only with a font can a reader capture the ‘story’ within a design. 

Of course, the choice of fonts must be right, and designers must know how to use them to achieve the best results.

Here’s How to Use Fonts Awesome 

The use of fonts in design will create an understanding of the message that requires clear readability. In addition, it is hoped that the results will be impressive and attract more readers.

A font is a graphical representation of text or typeface with its own shape, colour, type size, and design. Fonts can be used in combination with specialized tools, such as Canva font combinations, for posters or personal creations with innovative ideas.

Beyond that, combining fonts can be the ultimate way to create visual designs. Here’s how to use fonts awesome in a design:

1. Select Complementary Fonts

Awesome designs generally don’t consist of just one font but a combination of several fonts. Although, there are also fonts that stand alone, such as Japanese fonts. 

Complementary fonts will complement based on (usually) the thickness or typing of the font. However, make sure not to overpower the main font. Complementary fonts are capable of being design-balancing fonts.

2. Font Size Combination

Font combinations for posters, logos, slogans, and more should pay attention to font size. Focus on which part of the font should be more dominant than the others. The main focus should be a larger size than others; don’t forget to also pay attention to the thickness of the letters.

With the right size combination, the design results will be as expected, and indirectly, the feature can be hit while the reader is interested.

3. Clear Readability

Font combinations in design need to be clear and legible. Many font choices are aesthetic and cool, but do they read well and clearly?

A main font that is not easily readable will confuse the reader. This becomes less attractive because the main slogan seems vague, and of course, the effect is not easily memorized by people. For any branding, legibility should be clear and customized.

4. Avoid Combining Similar Fonts

In graphic design, combining fonts with similar characters is unattractive because it will confuse the reader. Similarly, combining fonts with similar shapes and colours will not be optimal.

To test whether a font combination is good, pair the two on the screen, then look away from the screen. Observe well, and if they look the same, choose a more harmonious font.

5. Limit the Number of Fonts

How to use fonts awesomely? Make sure the maximum number of fonts in a design is 3 types. Too many fonts make a design less interesting and confusing for the reader. Readers are also uncomfortable with many types of fonts in one design, and the message is not conveyed properly.

Fonts are aesthetic and impressive when there is complete harmony between font choices, combinations, colours and complementary images. Limiting the number of fonts is not patent, but it gives the reader comfort when skimming.

Best Fonts in Twinletter

how to use fonts awesome in a design

For the results to be amazing, innovative ideas must be used to use fonts. Font choices and aesthetic combinations must also support creativity.

Well, for the best choice of fonts, you can go to Twinletter. It offers various options, such as Serif and sans Serif, that are suitable and harmonious for one visual design. 

Both font types match each other for a completely cool design. In addition to serif and sans Serif, there are other font types, such as Japanese, Handwriting, Display, Graffiti, and Script. 

All of them are cool, have various options, and can be the best solution for a variety of awesome visual designs.


It’s not hard to figure out how to use fonts awesome. However, you still have to pay attention to the graphic design principles of unity and balance so that the fonts you use really look awesome.

How to use fonts awesome can be by choosing complementary fonts, combining sizes, clear readability, avoiding similar font combinations and limiting the number. With a high level of creation, the results are amazing and complete.

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